O professor Manuel Gaspar enviou para o nosso jornal, “O Açordas”, um calendário para 2012. Este calendário foi produzido pelo Projeto Comenius "Sharing Culture of the Old and Present Europe", com a colaboração de todas as Escolas intervenientes no mesmo (Portugal, Espanha, Itália, Roménia, Holanda e Polónia). Cada Escola foi responsável por 2 meses, ou seja, 2 páginas. Espreitem e esperemos que gostem.
Podem ver este calendário no ficheiro que se segue abaixo.
The teacher Manuel Gaspar sent to our newspaper "Açordas" a calendar for 2012. This calendar was produced by the Comenius Project "Sharing Culture and Present of the Old Europe" with the collaboration of all schools who participated in the project (Portugal, Spain, Italy, Romania, Netherlands and Poland). Each school was responsible for 2 months, or two pages. Take a look and hopefully enjoy.
You can see this calendar in the file that follows below.
Repórter Luís Henriques
Podem ver este calendário no ficheiro que se segue abaixo.
The teacher Manuel Gaspar sent to our newspaper "Açordas" a calendar for 2012. This calendar was produced by the Comenius Project "Sharing Culture and Present of the Old Europe" with the collaboration of all schools who participated in the project (Portugal, Spain, Italy, Romania, Netherlands and Poland). Each school was responsible for 2 months, or two pages. Take a look and hopefully enjoy.
You can see this calendar in the file that follows below.
Repórter Luís Henriques
scopecalendar.pdf |